Piano Lessons
I offer easy, fun, playing-based piano lessons. It is my mission to help you discover the joy of music and unlock your musical potential.
Currently, I am an instructor for Cadek Conservatory of Music. All of my afternoon lessons are held at Cadek. Morning lessons are held at Concord Baptist Church.
Parents are usually expected to remain in the room for their child’s lesson, especially for younger students. This helps the parent to understand what is required of their student on a daily basis. In addition, due to our exceptional Student Home Materials, parents are able to learn right along with the student!
Join my studio today and embark on a musical journey that will last a lifetime.
Individual Lessons
Beginner lessons will be held in 30 minute intervals, once a week. As a student progresses, they may move up to 45 minutes or a 1 hour lesson.
Summer Lessons
Summer lessons are typically a little different. I typically coordinate with parents to choose 4-6 dates throughout the summer that fits both of our schedules.
Piano Parties
Throughout the year, I will plan piano parties (group lessons) for students where they will play games that teach music theory, such as scales, rhythm, and composition. We usually also have students play a song(s) for each other, as well as work on duets, or recital etiquette.